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Final Group Project

Team Members:

Benjamin Hu V00932011

Gavin (Changheng) Ge V00972488

Tim(Lihua) Yang V00900718

Ruining Feng V00993180

Rodney(Yutong) Zhu V00963557

  1. Describe the key characteristics of any discussed social media platforms. (Benjamin)

There are several social media platforms we have discussed throughout the courses, some of them we think are useful and functional that we like to share and discuss. One is Zoom and the other one is Twitter. Zoom is a very useful PLN social media platform that most of us are familiar with during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic temporarily changed our lifestyle. For example, instructors tend to give lectures through Zoom meetings, they think it is an alternative way to interact with their students. Since Zoom provides remote video chatting, students and instructors are able to see each other face to face so that they can get the realistic experience as if they were studying at school. Zoom also has the function of recording, so instructors can pre-record the lecture material a day before or give recordings to students who missed their lectures. The convenient learning style provides both students and instructors convenience, efficiency, and quality.

In addition, Twitter is one of the most frequently used social media platforms. Compared to Zoom, Twitter is relatively like social media because people can comment and share their thoughts and daily activities on their phones. Twitter is a social media platform where users can share their thoughts on the internet. Politicians and public figures prefer to speak their voices on Twitter, and the instant news will catch their follower’s attention. Twitter also has functions like Like, Quote tweet, and Retweet. The “Like” function gives users an expression pathway to show their interest and passion when they feel the contents are comfortable and interesting. “Quote tweet” and “Retweet” share a similar function that users are able to reply to or forward the content they feel interesting, or they mutually agree with.

  1. What features & characteristics of existing media technologies make them effective for personal learning? (Benjamin)

 Like the characteristic we mention above, the social media platforms examples as Zoom and Twitter share some similar features. They both provide convenient content delivery, so people can easily get access to their profile and build their PLN. Zoom provides the visual chatting function where people can remotely meet through their electronic devices, and instructors are able to teach their subjects via recording or live streaming. Twitter is a social media where people can share and comment on their real thoughts. There are multiple features, and users can use them to build their PLN and deliver the desired learning network.

  1. How does technology allow you to enhance/develop your digital identity/reputation? (Tim)

We can know what kind of content we should promote in public to attract more audience and popularity on social media by using the right technology to analyze the big data behind social media and knowing your audience group. Another technology is artificial intelligence (AI), which analyses popular topics and audience preferences. 

  1. What are social considerations that should be accounted for? (Tim)

When posting on the internet, there are numerous social considerations to be made. Gender bias, cultural background, and racism are just a few examples. Because people think and react differently, public social media posts about social considerations can go viral around the world. Several sensitive topics relating to social consideration became trending topics on every social media and news platform at the start of the year. The most well-known is Black Lives Matter, in which a white man kills a black person during an arrest while the victim screams, “I can’t breathe!” As a result, gender and cultural equity should be considered for both personal learning networks and social media.

  1. What are the ways the technology tracks and uses your data – how can this be used to benefit a PLN? (Yutong)

For instance, Twitter, a microblogging and social networking service, excels at tracking, analyzing, and making good use of its users’ data. Visitors to websites with Twitter content or products integrated into them may have their IP addresses, browser types, operating systems, and cookie information sent to Twitter. Twitter uses this data to enhance its services, such as ad targeting and recommendation algorithms. Still, Twitter is one of the best tools for building one’s PLN.  It is incredibly beneficial for instructors and academics (Carpenter & Morrison, 2018). As described earlier, this social networking service permits users to send and receive messages. The comments are referred to as “tweets,” and when a person sends a tweet, all of his/her followers see it.

  1. Provide examples of individuals who have used a PLN to become leaders in a field of interest, and discuss their presence on the platform? (Gavin)

In a generation where networking has been transferred onto online media platforms providing convenience in communication and self-promotion, many leaders in society have successfully utilized the benefits of a PLN to elevate their presence on media platforms and in society. An example could reference back several years when talk show host Conan O’Brien further expanded his influence past the generic platforms that most individuals in the entertainment industry use such as Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. Instead, he aimed to reach audiences on a more professional spectrum on the Linkedin platform which could further promote him to a wider group of individuals that might primarily focus on the professional aspects of his industry. With the collaboration of all platforms of his, he is able to successfully market himself to audiences in various aspects whether it be social or professional circumstances.

  1. How do [notable individuals] use social media platforms to build their reputation/presence? (Gavin)

While most individuals understand how they personalize social media portfolios to their advantage on various spectrums, there are still distinct differences between individuals of the general population and notable individuals in terms of media reputation and presence. The most significant contrast between the two is undoubtedly the sizable effects of their social media presence, as leaders and notable individuals have a larger reach in terms of audience size and public impact. Simple contributions and interactions made by these individuals can oftentimes create immediate results prompting positive or negative discussions; most of which are strategically worded and framed to aggrandize that individual’s reputation in their respective industry and in the eyes of the public. As social media platforms have seen exponential growth in terms of their impact on one’s reputation and overall influence, how these leaders and individuals strategically arrange their social media portfolios can either propel them towards success or negatively impact their career and image. 

  1. How do use social media platforms to build their reputation/presence? (Ruining)

A reputation is an opinion, idea, or concept that people form about an institution, brand, company, or person based on their experience. It is important to realize that reputation is not under the absolute control of the subject or organization. In addition to the image projected by the brand or the individual themselves, reputation also includes news, comments, and opinions expressed by third parties on social networks, forums, blogs, review portals, and online media. You can maintain a strong reputation by having well-positioned content visible, being transparent, having a solid and loyal customer base, and listening carefully to what people are saying about you or your company, brand, and products. Therefore, it is very important to manage and monitor your internet space. Reputation management can be defined as the conscious control and influence over the reputation of companies, organizations, and individuals. Therefore, reputation management includes planning, controlling, establishing, monitoring, and ultimately maintaining a good reputation. Don’t wait until you encounter bad reviews or hear negative reviews to start improving your reputation. Build a sustainable reputation strategy and implement it gradually. Pay attention to every detail on the web, every single one of those details is very important so that there are no flukes, but a reaction to a predetermined strategy. From a business perspective, make sure that both official social media accounts and employee accounts contribute to a positive brand image. Work together and communicate the values ​​of the brand, thereby helping to create a valuable reputation. Respond positively to comments, whether they are good or bad, should respond, feedback fosters a connection between you and the public.

  1.  How will you know that your PLN is a success? (Ruining)

Regarding the success of the PLN, we need to understand what the purpose of your PLN is. PLN is a personal network for learning created by networking tools such as blogs, wikis, microblogging, Facebook, etc. Using this personal network can help us learn as part of a global community and strengthen our relationships with others. exchange, expand our learning space and opportunities, and enhance our reflection. In your PLN you can explore your interests, needs, and passions. Plan your career development. Learn and connect the way you like. Stay up-to-date with the latest research and news from around the world. Finally, enjoy a comfortable and happy environment in PLN. If these can be achieved, then there is no doubt that this is a successful PLN.


Bariso, Justin. “What You Can Learn from the Linkedin Profiles of 5 Super Successful People.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 7 Dec. 2015,

Boutin, ByDavid, et al. “The Five Awesome Twitter Features You Should Use Now.” Social Media & Influencer Marketing Speaker, Consultant & Author, 19 Jan. 2022,

Carpenter, J. P., & Morrison, S. A. (2018). Enhancing teacher education… with Twitter?. Phi Delta Kappan100(1), 25-28.

“Why Use Twitter? What Are the Main Features?” Minerva Visuals Blog, 19 Nov. 2021,

Blog #5 PLN & Education

Step 7: Making Time To Build Your PLN – Courses & PD

Community communications go beyond blogs and social media shares, how does a PLN help and hinder the development of thoughts and ideas in education discourse?

PLN contributes to the development of ideas and concepts in discourse by building a network of communities from around the world. While providing a forum for discussion and debate among different stakeholders to help develop ideas and ideas in educational discourse, PLN hinders the development of ideas and concepts in educational discourse by creating echo chambers where only certain voices can be heard. While the lack of diversity in discourse and the narrower range of viewpoints represented have led to extreme or hateful Internet resources. However, in a continuously developing PLN environment, the community will be more inclusive and friendly.

How do educators create discourse?

Educators are professionally trained so they have better ways to educate students. Educators use discourse to create opportunities for students to share their ideas and develop their study skills. Educators provide students with different syllabuses based on their learning experience and knowledge. Diversity in learning can provide better learning outcomes. Additionally, social media can be used for education in a number of ways. It can be used as a research tool (searching for necessary materials), communication between teachers and students, and a tool for sharing resources and ideas.

What is the role of social media in education?

The use of social media in education can help make education more accessible by helping students, teachers and parents get more useful information, connect with study groups and other education systems.Social networking tools offer students and institutions multiple opportunities to improve their learning methods. Through these networks, you can integrate social media plugins that support sharing and interaction. Valuable knowledge such as analysis and insights on various topics or issues can be obtained through social media for use in learning.

What are some problems with social media communications in education settings?

Cyberbullying or other online conflict. Rapid and widespread spread of crisis-related rumours or other false information. Trigger a crisis, increase perceptions of threat and fear, or create the potential for crisis contagion. The potential for overuse or as a consistent substitute for face-to-face socialization may contribute to social media depression. Time consuming for educators, parents, and other caregivers to learn and monitor.

Which social media platforms are beneficial in education?

There are plenty of authentic social media on the app store and the internet, neither good nor bad. Students should follow their own preferences. For example: social media platforms such as Google, Microsoft, Adobe, Zoom, Brightspace and Apple.

When working with the vulnerable sector, how does social media fit into professionalism and regulations?

Social media should pay attention to the special needs of vulnerable groups. The platform should provide more humanized services for special groups. Social media should demonstrate equality and diversity, and should not spread words that are harmful to others. Regulate the network environment to protect the rights of others.

Public PLN – Balancing PLN, Media Literacy, & Public Discourse


How do notable individuals use social media?

Well-known people are usually movie stars, entrepreneurs, politicians and rich people. They get people’s attention on a daily basis, and if you have a Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram or Vine account, chances are you follow at least some of your favorite celebrities. Successful celebrities are well versed in the art of using social media tools to build brands and keep their names up to date. One of the biggest ways celebrities use social media to build their brands is to bring their fans closer. Since people love to “talk” to their favorite stars, it’s more of an attraction to celebrity adoration for them. Social media is ideal for self-promotion, and it doesn’t take a lot. Daily tweets, status updates or photos keep celebrities in the public eye. Likewise, many celebrities have found social media helpful in rebuilding their brands. Celebrities who have committed some kind of wrong in the public eye often apologize on their social media accounts, explain themselves, or otherwise atone for their actions. It doesn’t always work, but when it does, it works fine. Celebrities themselves are brands. Whether they’re making music, starring in movies and TV shows, or writing books, celebrities aren’t just people. They also tend to have outside interests that also make money for them.

What are the benefits of being in the public eye and having a PLN?

Personal Learning Networks are a way of describing the groups of people you connect with to understand their thoughts, their problems, their reflections and their references. Your PLN is not limited to online interactions, but the online, global interaction part really sets it apart. Find quality resources, lesson plans and conferences. Share your resources and ideas. Follow great people and their blogs. Get support when you need it. Find 24/7 inspiration. Learn about the latest trends in society.

Building community with online tools provided by the employer can be limiting, what are the perceived restrictions and benefits?

Community platforms are provided by employers, so there are some limitations to diversity. The platform serves people inside the company, and the information they get is limited to internal company affairs. There are many benefits of establishing a community platform. Employees can easily log in to their accounts to handle work content, resources are systematically classified for easy grasp, and investors can clearly understand corporate culture, etc.

Delivering information in a connected society requires verifiable resources, how do build a PLN to rely on?

Constructing a PLN means that you agree to release your information on the Internet and the public. It’s important to connect with people you know who are always reliable and not just giving you lies and incorrect information. Reputation and loyalty are important factors, in order for your own PLN to be reliable and verifiable, you must build a good reputation by connecting with other reliable and verifiable people.

How do those, who are veteran storytellers, minimize the risk of sharing misinformation?

Veteran storytellers have many fans. Their work brings people into it. When sharing things online, always pay attention to the source of the information. As a result, their work is often original, positive, and socially appropriate. Minimizing the risk of sharing misinformation has to do with the idea of having reliable and verifiable resources in your PLN. A lot of bad social impact is caused by wrong speech and poor explanation.

What is media literacy?

Media literacy is an expanded conceptualization of literacy that includes the ability to access and analyze media information and to create, reflect, and take action, harnessing the power of information and communication to change the world.

Why is it important?

When used properly, media can entertain and inform our children in a positive way. However, because most children are not taught to use the media thoughtfully, many media messages can lead to public health problems such as obesity, bullying and aggression, low self-esteem, depression, negative body image, risky sexual behaviors and substance abuse. .

Why should you aim for varied views but the factual consensus in your PLN?

In PLN, we share our thoughts and opinions with you, which will attract people with all kinds of opinions on the network. People exchange ideas with each other in PLN, and each exchange of a different perspective is an opportunity to learn. Tolerance and acceptance of various viewpoints can make PLN more diverse and promote better PLN development.

Consider what the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official) may be?

Public figures must maintain their credibility at all times. Their choices affect the entire community, and their followers may have different voices. For example, the battle between the two parties in the United States, they cannot meet everyone’s needs and have no guarantees to their supporters about future policies. Differing viewpoints let them take sides.

Include in your blog, how to best address negative replies and critiques reflective of your personal values and employer’s social media policy?

Social media is an invaluable tool to help you connect with others. However, when others provide negative feedback online, it also has the ability to affect your reputation in significant ways. Addressing public criticism on social media requires caution. Always take responsibility, even if you disagree with the author of the comment. Respect is the key! Always remember that the way you communicate is a direct reflection of your personal image. Social media is important – it’s the most important thing to remember. All comments on social media, no matter how negative or outlandish, must be taken seriously. All responses should be carefully crafted to convey an understanding of why these comments were made. It’s a blessing when negative feedback is fact-based and focused on revealing what’s really wrong, because it gives us an opportunity to learn and improve a product or service. That’s why we need to be grateful for any such feedback, have the courage to admit our mistakes, and show how we’ll fix them.

Consider in your writing how open dialogues about media literacy and factual information can create conflict, why does this happen?

On the internet, freedom of speech allows everyone to express their opinions, but that doesn’t mean you can offend others or appear offensive at will. Controversial topics often generate multiple opposing viewpoints, which is fine in benign situations, but media literacy is often overlooked. They do not consider media information, but blindly judge facts based on the influence of the Internet. This will lead to bad conflicts and even cause great psychological harm to the parties involved.

Blog#3 Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

See the source image

Social inclusion is the tendency to give people at risk of poverty or social exclusion the opportunity to participate fully in social life so that they can enjoy an adequate standard of living. Social inclusion means access to education and health systems, job opportunities, the possibility of having decent housing, civic safety, etc. In short, social inclusion seeks to enable all citizens, regardless of origin or status, to fully enjoy their rights, realize their individual potential, and make the most of their well-being in life. An inclusive environment helps enhance collaboration between project teams, companies and communities, enriching our ideas while addressing the challenges that arise in design.

How does social media engage in communications?
Without engagement, social media is just media. Social media has increased the relationship between people, and people’s communication has become more convenient and free. Share, push and post what interests you. Don’t try to make people want you to look like you, and don’t try to make everything perfect. The most important thing is your own thoughts. Post something that really interests you and your community. The main goal of social media is to build relationships and increase value. It’s really about talking to people, really getting involved, responding to comments, joining the community, sharing your perspective.

How does social media challenge communications?
Social media has created countless ways to interact and communicate with new friends, as well as keep in touch with old ones. On the social front, social media has given people more freedom to connect with family and friends, as well as to meet new people. In addition, social media can largely contribute to social change. In a sense, social media pulls people together while also taking them away from each other. This is because more and more users are becoming introverted – they have become comfortable and social media dependent, so they are afraid of change. There are also those who believe that with the growth and prominence of social media, users lack the independence to focus properly. The cyberspace built by social media also sometimes presents a barrier that isolates users, making it difficult for users to have very close friends because people don’t have enough time to spend on every relationship. Even some people become overly dependent on the comfortable virtual world and deviate from real life. So, some people often feel that regardless of whether our social devices are in use, without them, we feel isolated. All in all, these social platforms are impacting the way people live their daily lives, ushering in a new era of people becoming more and more addicted to them. So we must use these social media reasonably and ensure that we are not divorced from real life.

Is it inclusive?
In general, it is inclusive, in a closed and safe internet environment where your friends and family will support and help you. Sharing your life experiences and reading other people’s experiences are all about building closer relationships. As they mentioned in the video, they are satisfied and happy with the current internet community. This is a good development.

Does your PLN amplify the views of others?
Everyone influences others, and whether your opinion is correct or not is changing others more or less. We draw the right perspective from it.

What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?
Diversity and inclusion make sharing on social media diverse. Social media has become indispensable in today’s society. While providing convenience, it also opens up people’s minds. Everyone can express their opinions and suggestions. Right or wrong, it is a platform to express yourself to the outside world. Everyone has this right!

Blog #2




What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?

Social media and social networks, from Facebook to Snapchat to Twitter and more, are increasingly important in how we communicate and connect every day. They are the key to staying connected and up-to-date as well as contributing and being creative in our world. Almost all students rely on some kind of social media as part of their daily life. Platforms such as Facebook, Skype, Edmodo, Microsoft Teams, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Twitter, Discord, Quora, Slack, Wistia, YouTube and Instagram help to advance one’s career.

What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?

The point of networking is to build relationships with people who can help you get where you want to go, and the sooner you start building your network, the better. That’s why it’s important to start networking in college — even before you’re ready to enter the workforce. As you build your network, you will find that your connections are being made for you. Usually, they won’t mind helping you because they may have been where you are now. So if you’re looking for career guidance, industry insight or an internship, someone in your network can help you. Most importantly, these connections can also play an integral role in helping you secure your first job after college.

How does data privacy and security limit and/or promote a PLN?

The restriction and security of data has fostered the development of professional networks, and a strong security posture and the implementation of a comprehensive privacy and data security program are the most effective measures a company can take to mitigate the significant costs of remediating a data breach. It is wise to consider the following recommendations for developing an effective privacy, compliance and data protection program, or to modify existing programs to accommodate changing laws, regulatory requirements and technological developments. Most employers and companies require reliable information on professional skills and competencies from reliable sources. Some criminals can use the resources on the network to forge their identities and use this information to obtain illegitimate benefits. So a safe and stable network environment is necessary.


The Importance of Networking in College — Plus 7 Tips for Success (Carson Kohler)

Designing and Implementing an Effective Privacy and Security Plan (Ronald Breaux and Sam Jo)

Blog 1 PLN & Public Communications & Digital Identity

What is digital identity?

Digital identity refers to the identifiable depiction of individuals through digital information, and it is also understood as condensing real identity information into public/private keys in the form of digital codes, so as to bind, query and verify personal real-time behavior information. Digital identity not only includes birth information, individual description, biometrics and other identity coding information, but also involves personal behavior information of various attributes. For example, WeChat and Facebook store social information, Alipay and Amazon store transaction information, games and video software store entertainment information, etc. All these different attributes of information are part of personal digital identity. In the Internet age, due to the numerous media for information acquisition and storage, people’s digital identity information is relatively scattered. Only the more comprehensive the attributes are, the more complete the identity information will be. By continuously integrating new digital identity information, a more comprehensive characterization of users can be achieved.

How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity effectsocial media use?

Personal: Social media is a way to interact with family and friends, no matter where they are currently. It keeps you in touch with people you may have lost touch with.

Professional: Social Media is your multimedia resume, complete with endorsements. It gives you a platform to build thought leadership.

Being active on social media can benefit both your personal and professional purposes, provided you paint a good picture of yourself in your personal social activities. Many employers consider not only professional skills, but also potential employees’ interests outside of work. People used to be able to separate their professional and personal lives more easily, but today these two areas of life are increasingly converging, with social media making people’s lives more transparent as hobbies and professional boundaries blur. Therefore, there are pros and cons to weigh before merging professional and personal social media accounts.

How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are theimpacts and/or benefits?

The emergence of digital identity is profoundly changing the driving force and development mode of the economy and society. Compared with the traditional identity system, it will greatly improve the overall social efficiency, maximize the release of user value, and enable the government, service providers, users and other parties. can benefit from it.

Users can use personal information flexibly. Users not only have the right to control other people’s access to personal data information, but also can decide when, where and how to publish their own information. In addition, the digitization of personally identifiable information helps users to conduct transactions with the outside world more conveniently, and at the same time protects users from illegal acts.

Service providers implement customized services. On the one hand, service providers can customize corresponding products and services according to user attributes and purposes with the help of user identity information recorded in the system. On the other hand, the existence of the digital identity system can effectively replace the previous complicated paper certificates in the process, reduce the cost of repeated communication between service providers and users, and greatly improve the efficiency of work.

Governments communicate more efficiently with citizens. The digital identity records the key identity data and behavior information of all citizens. In the face of citizens with different attributes and their needs, the government can help them accordingly. At the same time, from the perspective of regulatory authorities, with the help of the digital identity system, regulatory authorities can strengthen supervision and improve the pertinence and effectiveness of supervision.


Hello everyone!

My name is Ruining Feng.Currently studying computer science at the University of Victoria. I am from Vancouver. In the three years of university, my abilities in all aspects have been developed. It can be said that after three years of study in university, I already have the ability to adapt to social work.

In terms of study, I worked hard and worked tirelessly, striving for the good time of university to study. I have learned a lot, and I have learned how to learn. Using this method, in addition to the courses offered by the school, I also taught myself network database, web page production, graphic design and other knowledge, which enriched my spare time and laid a good foundation for my future. So far, I have mastered the basics of this major and basic knowledge about networking.

In terms of work, I have participated in the construction and maintenance of the UVIC CSSA student community, making it one of the favorite on-campus sites for students. At present, the experience of participating in the construction and practice of distance education in the school not only consolidates the existing knowledge, but also arouses my strong desire to learn, and makes me continue to forge ahead and improve.

In life, I live frugally and have a wide range of hobbies. Participate in many practical activities to continuously enrich and improve yourself.

The future study and work will be a test of my knowledge and a challenge to my life. I will constantly improve myself and improve myself in my work.

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