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Blog #2




What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?

Social media and social networks, from Facebook to Snapchat to Twitter and more, are increasingly important in how we communicate and connect every day. They are the key to staying connected and up-to-date as well as contributing and being creative in our world. Almost all students rely on some kind of social media as part of their daily life. Platforms such as Facebook, Skype, Edmodo, Microsoft Teams, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Twitter, Discord, Quora, Slack, Wistia, YouTube and Instagram help to advance one’s career.

What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?

The point of networking is to build relationships with people who can help you get where you want to go, and the sooner you start building your network, the better. That’s why it’s important to start networking in college — even before you’re ready to enter the workforce. As you build your network, you will find that your connections are being made for you. Usually, they won’t mind helping you because they may have been where you are now. So if you’re looking for career guidance, industry insight or an internship, someone in your network can help you. Most importantly, these connections can also play an integral role in helping you secure your first job after college.

How does data privacy and security limit and/or promote a PLN?

The restriction and security of data has fostered the development of professional networks, and a strong security posture and the implementation of a comprehensive privacy and data security program are the most effective measures a company can take to mitigate the significant costs of remediating a data breach. It is wise to consider the following recommendations for developing an effective privacy, compliance and data protection program, or to modify existing programs to accommodate changing laws, regulatory requirements and technological developments. Most employers and companies require reliable information on professional skills and competencies from reliable sources. Some criminals can use the resources on the network to forge their identities and use this information to obtain illegitimate benefits. So a safe and stable network environment is necessary.


The Importance of Networking in College — Plus 7 Tips for Success (Carson Kohler)

Designing and Implementing an Effective Privacy and Security Plan (Ronald Breaux and Sam Jo)

Blog 1 PLN & Public Communications & Digital Identity

What is digital identity?

Digital identity refers to the identifiable depiction of individuals through digital information, and it is also understood as condensing real identity information into public/private keys in the form of digital codes, so as to bind, query and verify personal real-time behavior information. Digital identity not only includes birth information, individual description, biometrics and other identity coding information, but also involves personal behavior information of various attributes. For example, WeChat and Facebook store social information, Alipay and Amazon store transaction information, games and video software store entertainment information, etc. All these different attributes of information are part of personal digital identity. In the Internet age, due to the numerous media for information acquisition and storage, people’s digital identity information is relatively scattered. Only the more comprehensive the attributes are, the more complete the identity information will be. By continuously integrating new digital identity information, a more comprehensive characterization of users can be achieved.

How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity effectsocial media use?

Personal: Social media is a way to interact with family and friends, no matter where they are currently. It keeps you in touch with people you may have lost touch with.

Professional: Social Media is your multimedia resume, complete with endorsements. It gives you a platform to build thought leadership.

Being active on social media can benefit both your personal and professional purposes, provided you paint a good picture of yourself in your personal social activities. Many employers consider not only professional skills, but also potential employees’ interests outside of work. People used to be able to separate their professional and personal lives more easily, but today these two areas of life are increasingly converging, with social media making people’s lives more transparent as hobbies and professional boundaries blur. Therefore, there are pros and cons to weigh before merging professional and personal social media accounts.

How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are theimpacts and/or benefits?

The emergence of digital identity is profoundly changing the driving force and development mode of the economy and society. Compared with the traditional identity system, it will greatly improve the overall social efficiency, maximize the release of user value, and enable the government, service providers, users and other parties. can benefit from it.

Users can use personal information flexibly. Users not only have the right to control other people’s access to personal data information, but also can decide when, where and how to publish their own information. In addition, the digitization of personally identifiable information helps users to conduct transactions with the outside world more conveniently, and at the same time protects users from illegal acts.

Service providers implement customized services. On the one hand, service providers can customize corresponding products and services according to user attributes and purposes with the help of user identity information recorded in the system. On the other hand, the existence of the digital identity system can effectively replace the previous complicated paper certificates in the process, reduce the cost of repeated communication between service providers and users, and greatly improve the efficiency of work.

Governments communicate more efficiently with citizens. The digital identity records the key identity data and behavior information of all citizens. In the face of citizens with different attributes and their needs, the government can help them accordingly. At the same time, from the perspective of regulatory authorities, with the help of the digital identity system, regulatory authorities can strengthen supervision and improve the pertinence and effectiveness of supervision.


Hello everyone!

My name is Ruining Feng.Currently studying computer science at the University of Victoria. I am from Vancouver. In the three years of university, my abilities in all aspects have been developed. It can be said that after three years of study in university, I already have the ability to adapt to social work.

In terms of study, I worked hard and worked tirelessly, striving for the good time of university to study. I have learned a lot, and I have learned how to learn. Using this method, in addition to the courses offered by the school, I also taught myself network database, web page production, graphic design and other knowledge, which enriched my spare time and laid a good foundation for my future. So far, I have mastered the basics of this major and basic knowledge about networking.

In terms of work, I have participated in the construction and maintenance of the UVIC CSSA student community, making it one of the favorite on-campus sites for students. At present, the experience of participating in the construction and practice of distance education in the school not only consolidates the existing knowledge, but also arouses my strong desire to learn, and makes me continue to forge ahead and improve.

In life, I live frugally and have a wide range of hobbies. Participate in many practical activities to continuously enrich and improve yourself.

The future study and work will be a test of my knowledge and a challenge to my life. I will constantly improve myself and improve myself in my work.

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