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Month: August 2024 (Page 3 of 3)


How can whiteboard animation be used in education?


Pfleeger, C. P., & Pfleeger, S. L. (2012). Analyzing Computer Security: A Threat/Vulnerability/Countermeasure Approach. Prentice Hall.

Stallings, W., & Brown, L. (2018). Computer Security: Principles and Practice. Pearson.

How to make a good WA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nE6MciaRjo&pp=ygUfaG93IHRvIG1ha2UgYSB3aGl0ZWJvYXJkIHZpZGVvIA%3D%3D

How to make a good poster:

Kurt, S. (2022). Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism. In S. Howell, J. Richter, & K. Schott

(Eds.), Foundations of learning and instructional design technology. EdTech Books.


Pfleeger, C. P., & Pfleeger, S. L. (2012). Analyzing Computer Security: A

Threat/Vulnerability/Countermeasure Approach. Prentice Hall.

Stallings, W., & Brown, L. (2018). Computer Security: Principles and Practice. Pearson.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework: Explore the official National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework for a deeper understanding of cybersecurity principles.

Introduction to Cybersecurity – Cisco: Cisco’s introduction to cybersecurity provides valuable insights and resources to learn about fundamental cybersecurity concepts.

MITRE ATT&CK Framework: The MITRE ATT&CK Framework is a valuable resource for understanding common attack techniques and tactics used by cyber adversaries.

Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing – The Basics: Learn about the basics of cyber threat intelligence sharing and how it can help in understanding and mitigating cyber threats.

Top 10 Cybersecurity Best Practices: The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) offers a list of the top 10 cybersecurity best practices to enhance your online security.

NIST Special Publication 800-63B: This publication from NIST provides guidelines on digital identity and authentication, offering insights into strong authentication methods.

EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Overview: If you’re interested in data protection and privacy laws, the GDPR is a significant regulation to explore.

What is Data Protection and Privacy?: This resource provides an introduction to data protection and privacy principles

Comments on “Interactive Learning Resource ” For Group C

Overall Impressions

Hello teams! I saw that the draft of the interactive learning resource that you made is very well structured, and it covers the essential aspects of self-care for first-year college students. At the same time, I think the overall structure is clear and categorizes the different elements of self-care. 

In the main body part of the course, your course design takes into account different learning needs and preferences, aligned with Universal Learning Design (UDL) principles. Ensuring that all video content has available subtitles and text will enhance accessibility. Using WordPress, Microsoft Word, and Google Forms is reasonable and meets the needs of the course. These tools are easy to access and user friendly. Providing tutorials or guides for students who are less familiar with these technologies can further help them use them. Well done!

Here are some suggestions that might can help you guys to improve your work

Areas for Improvement

  1. Engagement with Multimedia: While multimedia content is mentioned, more explicit examples and integration points would be beneficial. For instance, specifying which videos or interactive elements will be used and how they will support the learning outcomes would add depth to the plan.
  2. Technology Use Explanation: Although the rationale for using WordPress, Microsoft Word, and Google Forms is provided, a more detailed explanation of how these tools will be integrated into daily activities and assessments would be helpful. Examples of how students will use these platforms for specific tasks could clarify their practical application.
  3. Inclusion of Additional Support: Providing more information on available support resources for students, such as counseling services or peer support groups, could enhance the course’s focus on self-care.
  4. Evaluation Criteria: While the assessment plan outlines various methods, detailing the criteria for evaluation, particularly for the summative assessments, would ensure transparency and help students understand how their performance will be measured.
  5. Interactive Elements: The draft mentions that long rectangles will become directed links, similar to the provided example. Ensuring these links are active and clearly integrated into the final resource will be essential for user navigation and engagement.

Specific Suggestions

  1. Expand on Physical and Emotional Self-Care: The sections on physical and emotional self-care are currently brief. Adding more detailed content, such as specific activities, resources, and examples, will provide students with a richer learning experience.
  2. Interactive Activities: Consider incorporating more interactive activities that can be completed online, such as quizzes or discussion forums. These can enhance engagement and provide additional opportunities for formative assessment.
  3. Peer Review Process: Clearly outline how the peer review process will be conducted and how feedback will be integrated into the final resource. This transparency will help students understand the collaborative nature of the course.
  4. Links and References: Ensure all references are properly formatted and linked, and consider adding annotations to explain the relevance of each source. This will strengthen the academic rigor of the resource.


Overall, your draft is really good in terms of being clear, getting the right results, lining up with what you’re trying to achieve, being interactive and inclusive, using technology well, presenting information effectively, and citing your sources. If you make the suggested improvements—like adding a table of contents, breaking down sections into smaller parts, connecting assessments to outcomes, including a rubric for guidance, making it more interactive and accessible for everyone, providing tutorials for extra help, adding visuals to liven things up a bit, and including links to other helpful resources—you can make your learning material even better and get people more engaged with it.

EDCI Assignment 2: First Draft of Interactive Learning Resource

Course Overview

Getting Started

Welcome to our Interactive Learning Resource on Network Security and Cybersecurity Fundamentals. This resource is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the key concepts, threats, and protective measures related to cybersecurity. The following sections guide you through the course’s main modules and provide additional resources to support your learning journey.

Course Outline (Each module is in progress)

  1. An Overview of the Resource
  2. Learning Theory
  3. Learning Design
  4. Learning Context
  5. Learning Outcomes
  6. Assessment Plan
  7. Inclusion and Diversity
  8. Technology Choices
  9. Peer Review and Feedback
  10. References

Course Rationale

Why Take This Course?
Understanding cybersecurity is essential in our increasingly digital world. This course equips students with the knowledge to protect against cyber threats, making it valuable for both personal security and professional development.

What’s In It for Me?
Students will develop critical skills in identifying and mitigating cyber threats. The course also fosters an understanding of how cybersecurity measures can protect sensitive information, both personally and within organizations.

Future Benefits
Upon completion, students will be able to apply cybersecurity principles in various contexts, enhancing their career prospects in IT and related fields. The knowledge gained will also contribute to creating safer digital environments.

Examples of Our Topic

Network Security Essentials
Explore the fundamental concepts of network security, including threat identification, vulnerability management, and incident response.

Case Studies in Cybersecurity
Analyze real-world cyber attacks, such as the Target data breach, to understand the impact and preventative measures of cybersecurity.

More Info

To delve deeper into each course section, explore the drop-down menu under “Course Overview” or follow the provided links. Each part of the course is carefully designed to build a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity, providing a thorough and engaging learning experience.


  • Pfleeger, C. P., & Pfleeger, S. L. (2012). Analyzing Computer Security: A Threat/Vulnerability/Countermeasure Approach. Prentice Hall.
  • Stallings, W., & Brown, L. (2018). Computer Security: Principles and Practice. Pearson.

EDCI 335 BLOG #4

In this post, I’ll share how I plan to use a YouTube video titled “What Is Cyber Security | How It Works? | Cyber Security In 7 Minutes |” from Simplilearn in my cyber security course. I’ll address several key aspects to demonstrate how this video can effectively engage students and enhance their learning.

1. What kind of interaction would the video require from your students? Does it force them to respond in some way (inherent)?

The video requires students to actively listen and understand key concepts in cyber security, such as different types of cyber attacks and security practices. This initial interaction sets the stage for deeper engagement.

2. In what way are they likely to respond to the video on their own, e.g., make notes, do an activity, or think about the topic (learner-generated)?

Students might take notes, highlight important points, or pause and reflect on the concepts presented. This active note-taking and reflection helps them internalize the material.

3. What activity could you suggest that they do after they have watched the video (designed)? What type of knowledge or skill would that activity help develop? What medium or technology would students use to do the activity?

After watching the video, I would ask students to participate in a group discussion or forum where they can identify and analyze a recent cyber attack from the news using the concepts learned from the video. This activity promotes critical thinking and application of theoretical knowledge. An online discussion board or a collaborative platform like Google Docs would be ideal for this activity.

4. How would students get feedback on the activity that you set? What medium or technology would they and/or you use for getting and giving feedback on their activity?

Students would receive feedback through peer reviews and instructor comments on the discussion board or collaborative document. This approach allows for diverse perspectives and constructive criticism. The chosen technology for feedback would support detailed annotations and threaded comments.

5. How much work for you would that activity cause? Would the work be both manageable and worthwhile? Could the activity be scaled for larger numbers of students?

The workload for managing this activity is moderate but valuable, as it provides insights into students’ understanding. For larger classes, forming smaller discussion groups or assigning peer reviewers can help maintain a manageable workload while ensuring comprehensive feedback for everyone.

6. How could the video have been designed to generate more or better activity from viewers or students?

The video could be more engaging by incorporating interactive elements such as embedded quizzes or prompts that pause the video and ask students to reflect on key points before proceeding. This would encourage active participation and reinforce learning.

7. How will you address any potential barriers for your learners in the use of this video to ensure an inclusive design?

To ensure inclusivity, I would provide transcripts and closed captions for the video, accommodating students with hearing impairments. Additionally, offering supplementary text materials and ensuring the video content is accessible in multiple languages would support non-native English speakers.

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